Ansible Jinja2 Helpers#
This post delves into the functionalities of Jinja2 templating, primarily for use with Ansible but also applicable in any language that supports Jinja2, like Python.
Well Known Jinja2 Clauses#
Easy to find and commonly used clauses:
# Omits the variable if it does not exist, useful to prevent errors or undefined messages.
{{ Ifnovariableexistremoveme | default(omit) }}
# Sets the variable to 'null' if it does not exist, can be used to ensure output consistency.
{{ Ifnovariableexistwritenull | default('null') }}
# Defaults to another variable if the initial variable is undefined.
{{ Ifidontexistwriteanothervariable | default(othervar) }}
Template .j2 file#
- Set a var in a jinja template based on host fact:
mysql_max_connections: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb // 12) | int }}"
- A If something is true clause, or just check for defined
{% if mysql_slow_query_log_enabled %}
slow_query_log = 1
slow_query_log_file = {{ mysql_slow_query_log_file }}
long_query_time = {{ mysql_slow_query_time }}
{% endif %}
# or if check it is there or not
# Ansible Jinja2 if variable is defined ( where variable is defined)
{% if example_variable is defined -%}
example_variable is defined
{% else -%}
example_variable is not defined
{% endif %}
- Jinja2 filters
# Ansible Jinja2 for filters
# min value
{{ [1,2,3,4,5] | min }}
# max value
{{ [1,2,3,4,5] | max }}
# unique [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5]
{{ [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5] | unique }}
# difference [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] vs [2, 3, 4, 5]
{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | difference([2, 3, 4]) }}
# random['rob', 'jane', 'freddy']
{{ ['rob', 'jane', 'freddy'] | random }}
- A template.j2 with a lot of diffrent options
# Jinja2 template if statement
{% if ansible_hostname == "examplehost2" -%}
This is {{ ansible_hostname }} host
{% endif %}
# Ansible Jinja2 if elif statement
{% if ansible_hostname == "examplehost2" -%}
This is {{ ansible_hostname }} host
{% elif ansible_hostname == "examplehost3" -%}
This is {{ ansible_hostname }} host with modifications
{% endif %}
# Ansible Jinja2 if elif else statement
{% if ansible_hostname == "examplehost2" -%}
This is {{ ansible_hostname }} host
{% elif ansible_hostname == "examplehost3" -%}
This is {{ ansible_hostname }} host with modifications
{% else -%}
This is default {{ ansible_hostname }} host
{% endif %}
# Ansible Jinja2 if variable is defined ( where variable is not defined)
{% if example_variable is defined -%}
example_variable is defined
{% else -%}
example_variable is not defined
{% endif %}
# Ansible Jinja2 if variable is defined ( where variable is defined)
{% set example_variable = 'defined' -%}
{% if example_variable is defined -%}
example_variable is defined
{% else -%}
example_variable is not defined
{% endif %}
# Ansible Jinja2 for loop
{% for entry in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses -%}
IP Address entry {{ loop.index }} - {{ entry }}
{% endfor %}
# Ansible Jinja2 for range
{% for entry in range(1, 11) -%}
{{ entry }}
{% endfor %}
# Ansible Jinja2 for range , reversed(simulate while greater 5)
{% for entry in range(10, 0, -1) -%}
{% if entry == 5 -%}
{% break %}
{% endif -%}
{{ entry }}
{% endfor %}
# Ansible Jinja2 for range , reversed(continue if odd)
{% for entry in range(10, 0, -1) -%}
{% if entry is odd -%}
{% continue %}
{% endif -%}
{{ entry }}
{% endfor %}
Lesser Known Features#
More obscure yet highly useful features for complex data handling:
# Example variable structure with nested values
- value1
- value2
- value2
- value3
# Debug task to output a unique list of all values in 'somenestedvar'
msg: "{{ somenestedvar.values() | flatten | unique }}"
This configuration shows how to extract and manipulate lists from nested data structures in Ansible using Jinja2, providing a powerful way to handle dynamic data.